Samstag, 8. Februar 2014


"Fuck The EU" - US State Department Blasts Europe by US assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland

Fuck the 68's

Fuck the rain, Fuck the pain, Fuck the plain

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Fuck the vulgar slang !

es wird alles nur halb so heiß gegessen wie's gekocht  wird

help yourself

Can anybody tell me the official name of the
 jabber they  babble in U.S.A?
If I were the Queen, I would declare war.
It's such an easy thing, half way to the Falklands
They say, Hitlers U-boats were so near to Manhatten, that they could watch
people during rush hour through the periscope or so.
So, what's the problem ?
Really, are there any obstacles which could hinder the British?

 Cameron, always Cameron! Fuck off C.......